I have studied and taught Horsemanship since 1991 and have been an Accredited 3* Horsemanship Instructor for over 20 years. I am the resident manager here at the SCP Agistment and Horsemanship Center. My vast experience and study of Horsemanship both here and internationally ensure your peace of mind. I have also studied with some of the best Horsemen in the world with mentors like Tom Dorrance, Buck Brannerman, Ray Hunt, Monty Roberts, Dr Robert Miller and Ronnie Wilson.
Prior to opening SCP, I had only ever lived in the world of "Natural Horsemanship" I had built a strong foundation interacting closely with Horses in a way I never thought possible. They called me the PNH baby as I started my equine journey with PNH.
Being here now for over 14 years I have had the opportunity to use my knowledge and see clearly how Natural Horsemanship and Traditional Horsemanship intertwine once at a certain level.
I have been an animal lover all my life with my only ambition to love and care for animals. My dream was always focused on working with animals. People say I have an amazing understanding of Horse behaviour and Equine Psychology and this is what I have focused on mastering in these fields. I fulfilled my dream in 1994 when awarded my Instructor badge by Pat Parelli. The Parelli Instructor program was initiated in Australia in 1993 at Braidwood NSW Australia.
When the Star accreditations and certificates were introduced in 2002 although I had achieved my Instructorship status in 1994 I was finally awarded my 3* Instructor endorsed certificate from Pat Parelli. I also attended the Parelli University from 1996 to 2005 and was there for the first opening. I have attended and studied several young horse starting, problem human-horse relationships, Horsemanship courses, Level 3, level 4 courses with Pat Parelli and other top horsemanship trainers.
I proceeded to open the first Parelli Center at Wilton in 1996 and organised the very first Savvy day in the world at my then Wilton property, which was also the very first Parelli Centre outside the USA. In 1994 Myself and Neil Pye my estranged husband of 20 years were the first and only students worldwide to travel with Pat and Linda and featured in all their demonstrations Australia wide. I went on to be a part of the Parelli Savvy Team at the inaugural Equitana in Melbourne and all other demonstrations presented by Pat and Linda Parelli. I was one of the first people awarded their Instructorship by Pat in the world and was a part of the Instructor program from the very beginning.
I traveled both in the USA and Australia studying alongside Pat and Linda Parelli for over 10 years. In 1999 I left Australia to assist in introducing Parelli Natural Horsemanship to Italy, Poland and other parts of Europe. I traveled with my magnificent Horses Frosty (whom I had taken with me from Australia), Marcom my quarter Horse(see photo gallery) and beautiful Rottweiler Dea in my Horse truck for nearly 9 years teaching, introducing Parelli Natural Horsemanship, and demonstrating at Major Horse fairs all over Europe.
I have taught several European Instructors to their level 4 and beyond enabling them to join the Parelli Instructor program and become 3* and 5* Instructors. I was a major influence and pioneer of Parelli Natural Horsemanship and helped make the world a better place for Horses both here and Internationally giving students the opportunity to share in the knowledge that Pat Parelli had so willingly shared with me. I now teach independently of the Parelli organisation and teach my way. I attended Colorado University for many years, and studied intensively alongside Pat. I dedicated my life to learning the Parelli program dedicating my time, and making many sacrifices, and am proud that I found the answer that took me from being terrified of Horses to becoming a Horsewoman.
Although I have experienced most of what life has to offer one of the most treasured moments was receiving my Endorsed Instructor certificate from the Master himself, Pat Parelli, and being given the opportunity to share what I believe can help horses live a better life in their human – horse relationship. I proudly display the certificate awarded to me by Pat Parelli in the photo gallery on the SCP website that I will treasure for life. Although no longer affiliated or licensed with the Parelli organisation to teach Parelli, I have found this a blessing as I can now take what I have learned from all my Mentors and can share it without holding back. I do Sandra Ragazzi’s Horsemanship. The word Natural as much as its meaning is valuable, what I teach is the language of the horse and I’m sure you would agree how strange it would be, if we went around saying NATURAL English, German or any language!!
Horsemanship is the language of the horse and when traveling to countries where I needed a translator for the human I never had any problems getting the horses to understand me within minutes!!! I went on to handle and help 1000’s of horses during my time in this field and it wasn’t long before I realised that the best possible teachers and who you learn through the most are beyond any doubt, THE HORSE. Once I had my foundation of equine knowledge and communication skills and started to handle several different Horseanalities I appreciated and realised that all the time it had taken to have that solid foundation there, meant that I had the knowledge techniques, and understanding to help both horse and human develop a relationship most people only ever dream of having.
I am proud to say that regardless of our beliefs I have had the most rewarding gift a person who loves horses or any animal can have, saving 1000’s from going to the meat factory as well as safety for their human partners.
I have been blessed to be able to offer my students the opportunity to develop and grow a partnership beyond anything they could ever imagine. I am pretty much retired from teaching now but am always here to assist with whatever horse or humans need to help them achieve their goals.